Sunday, February 19, 2017


One of baseball most underrated pitcher's, Dave Stewart was born on February 19th, 1957.

I say underrated and I will tell you why. Despite winning twenty games in 4 consecutive seasons, including leading the league in victories on one of those occasions, he did not win a Cy Young Award. Even more incredibly, despite all his success, he was only selected for one all-star team. How could that be?

Plus, he was a very clutch player--twice winning the ALCS MVP and in 1989, winning the World Series MVP. He played for five different teams over his career starting with the Dodgers, but the bulk of his great years were with the A's. That is why it is appropriate that his manager on the A's, Hall of Famer Tony LaRussa provides us with the Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day about Dave Stewart.

"Every once in a while even Sinatra has to clear his throat."
--Tony LaRussa, explaining a short losing streak by Dave Stewart

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