Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Happy Birthday to J.R. Richard, born on this day in 1950.  For those of to young to remember, J.R. Richard was one of the most intimidating pitchers of the 1970's. 

From 1976--1980, he was closest to the best pitcher in baseball. He led the National League in ERA in 79, led the NL in Ks' in 78 and '79 and was a 1980 All-Star.

Amazing in 1976, he had 14 complete games, 13 in '77, 16 in '78 and 19 in '79.

Sadly, in 1980, at the age of 30 he suffered a stroke and, despite various comeback attempts, was never able to make it back to the majors. He played his entire career with the Astros and compiled a 107-71 record.

A very sad story for a player with such incredible talent.

"He starts out throwing Alka Seltzers and ends up throwing Aspirins."
--Lenny Randle, on J.R. Richard

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