Saturday, February 25, 2017


Long time Cubs third baseman and Baseball Hall of Famer, Ron Santo was born on February 25, 1940.

Santo was a terrific all around third baseman who was a mainstay on the Cubs from 1960-'73, before spending his final season with the Cross Town Rival, White Sox in 1974.

He had 2254 career hits, was a 9 x all-star, 5 x Gold Glove winner and was the only third baseman in baseball history to have 90 RBI's or more eight years in a row. He entered the Hall of Fame in 2012. He was a long time Cubs announcer who was a great advocate for diabetes awareness. He is greatly missed by the baseball community.

In honor of his great career, he is today's recipient of the Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day.

"I wouldn't take any third baseman in the league over him and that includes the other league too. He's the finest, inspirational type of guy who can pick up an entire ball club."
--Leo Durocher, on Ron Santo

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