Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3rd Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day--FRED LYNN

The great centerfielder Fred Lynn turned 65 today. If you didn't get to see Freddie Lynn in his prime than you really missed something. In 1975, he had as good a rookie year as humanely possible. He ended up being both the Rookie of the Year and the MVP that year, playing an incredible centerfield for the Red Sox.

He was hampered over his career by injuries but he still put up some great numbers over his 17 years in the majors including 9 All Star Game appearances, 1982 ALCS MVP and 1979 batting champion. He had a career batting average of .283 with 306 home runs. But for those of us old enough to remember, it will always be about 1975 and the potential to be one of the greatest of all-time.

For that year and for a great career, Fred Lynn is today's recipient of the Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day

"I always feel comfortable with him out there. I always feel he'll do something good no matter what."
--Earl Weaver, talking about Fred Lynn

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