Saturday, January 14, 2017

Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day---Terry Forster

Solid relief pitcher Terry Forster was born on this day in 1952.

Forster played for several teams over the years but he broke in and spent the formative part of his career with the White Sox. All told, he played for 16 seasons and had 127 career saves. In 1974, he was the American League save leader.

He also became famous for being picked on by David Letterman because of his weight issues. Letterman once called him a fat tub of goo." Rather then becoming offended, Forster was a good sport and actually would appear on Letterman's show and make fun of his girth.

In honor of an excellent pitcher with a good sense of humor, Terry Forster gets the Baseball Birthday Quote of the Day.

"A waist is a terrible thing to mind."
--Terry Forster

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